Imagery: Singles: Rudick_microcephely635_p1

12/21/2011 - Tampa, Florida - Addison Lennon, cq, was born with microcephely with seizures, though appears to have a more moderate form of the disease. She is delayed in certain areas, but enjoys swim practice and exercise. Here, she takes part in pre-swim practice running drills. Kari and Steve Lennon, who have two children with a rare genetic disorder, fell into crisis when becoming unexpectedly pregnant with their fifth child. Ground-breaking research at Children’s Hospital enabled the Lennons to test their baby in-utero and follow through with the pregnancy confident that the child did not carry the genetic mutation. The diagnosis has given them immense piece of mind with the knowledge that they didn’t ‘cause’ the disabilities in their children, and that they are doing all they can to help them. The Lennons were so grateful to the doctors that they named their daughter "Grace Gilmore" after Dr. Gilmore, who worked closely with the family. Story by Carolyn Johnson/Globe Staff. Dina Rudick/Globe Staff.
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