Imagery: Singles: child in Aceh Besar refugee camp

1/25/2005 -- Aceh Besar, Indonesia -- This child is living in a government-run refugee camp on the grounds of a mosque in Aceh Besar.  Photo by Dina Rudick, Globe Staff.                           This photo could apply to the first story (evaluating sucesses and failures), a story dealing with the challenges of reuniting children and parents, a story about the health issues of refugee camps themselves, or psychological issues of children re: dealing with loss and immense trauma/dislocation.
child in Aceh Besar refugee camp

1/25/2005 -- Aceh Besar, Indonesia -- This child is living in a government-run refugee camp on the grounds of a mosque in Aceh Besar. Photo by Dina Rudick, Globe Staff. This photo could apply to the first story (evaluating sucesses and failures), a story dealing with the challenges of reuniting children and parents, a story about the health issues of refugee camps themselves, or psychological issues of children re: dealing with loss and immense trauma/dislocation.